Roswell Pro Audio is a boutique microphone company.
Their microphones provide a distinctive sound, and a level of performance normally associated with far more expensive devices.
Roswell Pro Audio was founded by Matthew McGlynn, whose first entry into the pro audio gear industry was RecordingHacks.com. RecordingHacks provides detailed analysis and descriptions of thousands of microphones, as well as some of the most ambitious mic shootouts ever produced.
McGlynn's deep experience with hundreds of microphones over many years — learning how they're built, and why they sound the way they do — led to the formation of Microphone-Parts.com, a DIY electronics company that sells premium studio microphones in "do it yourself" kit form.
Roswell Pro Audio borrows from the research and development work done by MicParts, but takes its products in a different direction. Roswell's designs distill the various capsule and circuit combinations into best-in-class offerings that have won acclaim from musicians, home studio owners, and Grammy award-winning producers and engineers.